Gox Box is a small but useful application that allows you to send text messages to other computers connected to the same network. The main advantage of using this program is that it doesn't require an Internet connection to work.
There are two ways to configure the network parameters: peer-to-peer or Client/Server. The peer-to-peer option allows you to communicate with other users without having a server running all the time. The Client/Server requires one computer to be configured as a Server, and it has to be running whenever a user wishes to communicate with the others. The rest of the computers have to be configured as clients. All computers need to use the same TCP/IP port number.
To send a message you need to select a user from the list located in the conversation window (and you can send a message to all users at once too). By default, a message that is sent or received has the prefix Sender (to Receiver) and the timestamp. But these parameters, the background, and the font can be changed.
When a message is received the taskbar flashes by default, and you can configure the visual notiication and add sound. Gox Box also gives you the option to log the message, and protect the settings with a password.